This web page is a resource for the members of the Cambridge Christian Fellowship (with members from Bedford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Soham, and Stamford) congregation, but if you are visiting we hope it gives you insight into our church and we hope y
We are a group of Christians who are culturally and internationally diverse who live, work, and/or study in the Bedford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Soham, and Stamford areas. Our goal is to help people who live, work, study, or visit anywhere from areas
Our Statement of Beliefs are the fundamental tenets on which we believe that life, the work of the church, and its members are founded as agreed by the ICCM of whom we are a part.
• We believe that there is the one true God who reveals himself to
 Sunday Worship Service Location.
We meet in Cambridge for Sunday worship services at the Romsey Mill Centre, Hemingford Road, Cambridge CB1 3BZ.
On off Sunday's we meet in our homes and rotate between Bedford, Cambridge, Huntingdon, Soham, and
Bible Discussion Groups
There are Bible Discussion Groups focusing on various topics in a relaxed, friendly homes in our respective areas.
There is a Friday Bible Discussions Group meeting in Soham at 7PM. Contact Chris Michelson (christopher
As we travel for business or pleasure generally there is a church nearby that we can seek fellowship and support from. The link below will assist you in finding a church while you are away and allow you to develop relationships all around. Please s
 As we have been directed in:
Ephesians 6:18 (NIV) - And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.
- and -
Philippians 4:6-
Cambridge Christian Fellowship - https://www.facebook.com/pages/Cambridge-Church/248713041839867
Disciples Today - http://www.disciplestoday.org/
ICC Missions - http://www.iccmissions.org
Doug Jacoby's Website - http://douglasjacoby.com
Teach Me
DT CounselorConnect is an on-line forum for individuals seeking a faith-based perspective in professional mental health counseling. Our Mission is to help people find professional, licensed counselors who are committed to following Christ, and are c
Church Contact Details Name: Wil Horwood Email: [email protected]